It wasn’t always like this



It wasn’t always like this…


I use to sleep fine at night
Carefree I use to live each day
Walls weren’t put up to guard myself
& sadness wasn’t set in my heart

Until one day when the inevitable truth spilled
From the syringe into your arm
You injected yourself with a poison
That took your soul, but left you alive

The worst kind of death to a loved one
Is to watch them live in a dead body
No soul, no heart, no love
Only darkness from the drugs

Ten years spent clouded with your lifestyle
Yet, you don’t seem to notice what it’s done
Your sickening addiction plots to ruin our family
We strike back with denial, false hope, and love

Now I am a wall flower to my own family
Stuck in the sidelines of your addiction
While we fight to make you better
I fight to stay alive in my own mind

You’ve taken my childhood away
It was spent dealing with your addiction
Yet, that isn’t enough for you
You continue to reap my adult life too

I may not be as strong as you think that poison is
But I will keep fighting for my own life
The addiction you chose to have will inevitably take your life
But I will not let it take mine!

Restlessly I try to sleep at night
Stress and anxiety take my days away
Scared to let people into my life I hide behind walls
Where no one can see the sadness in my heart

It wasn’t always like this…